Saturday, June 19, 2010

BP chief continues working his PR magic.

BP chief Tony Hayward was caught red handed attending a yacht race on Saturday, apparently in an effort to repair damage done by his previous PR blundering. BP had enough of Tony's PR wizardry and removed him from the duty of overseeing the gulf oil spill and it's subsequent clean-up effort, but that didn't stop him from doing his best to put an obsequious face on the worst environmental disaster to hit the earth since the dinosaurs were killed off by an Al Qaeda space rock. Allegedly.

Americans were aghast at the news that a rich guy would go to a yacht race to watch his own yacht sail around an island while decent poor folk were stuck at home with no good sporting events to watch on Saturday for themselves. The NASCAR race isn't on until tomorrow! The US Open is on today, but who watches golf?

Nope, bored, sport-less Americans are lining up at their keyboards by the tens of thousands to whine pointlessly about Tony's single day off in the last sixty days. I assume these are mostly unemployed people who are too busy cashing their government cheese to go look for jobs, or go walk outside with sponges and soak up a few gallons of oil. Realistically, I'm sure Tony could clean the whole spill up with his yacht by dragging Kevin Costner behind it, but reportedly, Costner wasn't available today.

Still, nobody cares about Tony's free time. From a PR standpoint any time a leader takes a day off during a crisis, it's symbolic of what a dick he is. Perhaps Tony should have gone bowling. At least that way he would have been hob-nobing with rednecks holding beers in their hands instead of millionaires with brie stains on their lapels. Bowling is far less self indulgent, and easier to clean up in a PR campaign. If only the spill were so cooperative.

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